Pedro Farina


Miscellaneous volumes
Earth, wires, trunks, broken electronics, paint, stone, paper

Apocalypse is a word of Greek origin that means revelation or “action to find out”. In religion, it refers to prophecies revealed to St. John Evangelist about humanity destiny, in the last book of New Testament.

Its use, in a figurative sense, is related to major catastrophes, environmental disasters and intense changes.

Inspirou até mesmo nomes de operações da Lava-Jato - serviço criado em 2014 destinado a investigar a corrupção política no Brasil. Ao gravar áudio comprometedor do presidente interino Michel Temer (2017), Joesley Batista participou da operação Patmos – pequena ilha na Grécia onde o apóstolo Evangelista recebera as revelações do Apocalipse. A gravação foi encarada como hecatombe, uma desgraça política.

In this installation, I imagine the end of the world as a predominance of machines before humans. Darwin’s Natural Selection, or, in other words, Technology Selection, heads to dissolve human, hostage to their own whims, creations and inventions.

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